
What is a guardian angel and what is his role?

What is a guardian angel? This may seem a naive question at first, but do we really know what a guardian angel is? We know that there is an entity that watches over us and protects us somewhere in Heaven,…

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Intuition and clairvoyance, how to make a difference?

Many people think that intuition and clairvoyance are the same thing. Some even assume that intuition would be the beginning of clairvoyance. However, they are two completely different notions that presuppose neither. Here is a dossier that will help you…

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Flash, premonition, clairvoyance vision: differences and nuances

Flash, premonition and clairvoyance vision Words that we are used to hearing, but that we tend to confuse. What really makes them different? In this article, learn how to distinguish between these 3 elements. The flash Taking its name from…

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How can you be sure you’ll find a real medium / clairvoyant?

Being a seer or medium is the result of a gift. Unscrupulous fraudsters, looking for a lucrative and dishonest business, can disguise themselves as experts in the art of divination and defraud their victims. In this case, how can you…

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The art of clairvoyance with cards

Today, many people turn to clairvoyance to find out about their future, especially in difficult life situations. Tired of looking for solutions, they end up seeking the help of a clairvoyant to solve problems in relationships, work or health. As…

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What are the particular meanings of aura?

The aura is defined as a luminous contour representing different subtle bodies. This coloured halo radiates all around a living or non-living being, animal, man, paper, plants… Each colour has a particular meaning that would be associated with a planet…

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A few tips to develop your sixth sense

The sixth sense is considered to be the extrasensory perception of a person. This perception exceeds that of the five common senses. Everyone possesses latent capacities that are intuitive. While some people find it difficult to believe that the sixth…

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What is private clairvoyance?

Consulting a clairvoyant is an alternative that in so many circumstances allows you to deal with a situation more effectively. Using clairvoyance is a means of anticipating the products of the future, i.e. knowing what will happen to your life…

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Telephone-based clairvoyance: consult a specialised clairvoyant

If in the past you had to go to a clairvoyant’s office to consult a specialist in the divinatory arts, it is now possible to do so via a telephone line. Here’s how to consult a specialized clairvoyant by phone….

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Travel by telephone: consultations à la carte

The consultation of a medium by telephone has become a trend. It is a practical, economical, fast and reliable solution. It allows you to exchange with the practitioner at a distance and obtain immediate answers. fortune-telling by fortune-telling is a…

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